Fast swing Weekend tuleb taas! Registreerimine on avatud!
18.-19. novembril toimuva festivali juhendajad on swingtantsu staarid Céline Guitou ja Edgar Cavasa.Nädalavahetusel annavad nad Balboa, Slow Balboa ja Collegiate Shagi tunde. Tantsustiile on võimalik omavahel kombineerida nii, et saaksid osaleda kõikides soovitud tundides. Festivali raames toimub ka tantsuõhtu. Täpsem info: https://www.tsds.ee/fast-swing-weekend23-et/
Great news, everyone! Registration is open!
We are proud to announce that this autumn will be once more filled with Balboa and Shag!
This year swing dance stars Céline Guitou ja Edgar Cavasa are going to be our guest teachers for the Fast Swing Weekend from 18th to 19th November.
Over the weekend they will give Balboa, Slow Balboa and Collegiate Shag classes. There will be party on Saturday, more information: https://www.tsds.ee/fast-swing-wekend23-en/