24-26 aprill oleks pidanud kaheksandat korda toimuma Eesti suurim swingtantsu ja -muusika festival Tallinn Swing Weekend. Eriolukord on arusaadavalt teinud plaanides muutuseid ja nüüd loodame, et kaheksas festival saab toimuma hoopis 2021. aasta aprilli lõpus.
Tänaseks on ajalooks saanud seitse imelist Tallinn Swing Weekend festivali. Kõik on olnud veidi sarnased, aga ka piisavalt erinevad. Järgnev viktoriin on koostatud meenutamaks kõiki toimunud festivale. Viktoriinis on valik vastuseid ning illustratiivne video. Vajadusel leiad vihjeid kindlasti meie kodulehelt, facebookist või googlist!
Tublima vastaja nime teeme teatavaks 26. aprillil Tallinn Swing Dance Society Facebooki lehel! Mõnusat meenutamist ja nuputamist! VIKTORIIN
Estonia’s biggest swingdance and -music festival Tallinn Swing Weekend was supposed to take place for the 8th time on 24rd to 26th of April. Understandingly the emergency situation has made changes in plans and now we are hoping that the 8th Tallinn Swing Weekend will take place next year in 2021, also in the end of April.
So far we have witnessed seven wonderful Tallinn Swing Weekends. All of these have been somehow similar and yet again in some way different. We have organized a quiz to remember all the previous amazing events. The quiz’s questions have multiple choices and an illustrative video. If needed you can surely find hints from our webpage, facebook page or from google!
We will announce the most accurate answerer on the 26th of April on Tallinn Swing Dance Society’s Facebook page! Have fun remembering and figuring out! QUIZ