TSW Solo Charlestoni ja peopaketid on saadaval kuni 15.04.

17620345_1250180368351313_7982141238950953511_oTähelepanu, 15.04. lõpeb registreerimine TSW-le. See puudutab nii Solo Charlestoni kui ka peopakette.
Seega, kui soovid osaleda Solo Charlestoni tundides või kolmel peol, siis on sul veel paar päeva, et registreeruda ja maksta osalustasu. REGISTREERIMISVORM

Üksikuid pileteid pidudele saab osta ka kohapeal, kuid siis on hinnad veidi kallimad. Vaata peopiletite hindu SIIN.

Attention! Registration to TSW closes on 15.04. This concerns Solo Charleston as well as Party Pass.
If you are planning to attend to Solo Charleston and/or all three parties, there is still a couple of days left to register and pay participation fee. REGISTRATION FORM

If you don’t manage to register and pay in time, don’t worry, you can still come to the parties. The ticket prices at the door will be a bit higher. Check the prices HERE.