Tuletame teile meelde, et soodsad “early bird” hinnad kehtivad registreerimisel kuni selle nädala pühapäevani s.o 29.03 k.a.
Tundidesse mahuvad veel üksikud paarid, kiirustage!

NB! Üksikutest järgijatest on tekkinud ootejärjekord! Soovitame kõigil üksikutel naisterahvastel, kes ei ole saanud kinnitust, leida endale partner (partner peab end registreerides märkima teid enda partneriks) või registreerige end ümber Solo Tracki.
Üleskutse kõigile meestele, kellel ei ole partnerit, olge julged end registreerima – teid oodatakse!

Registreerimine on lõppenud!

ENG. We would like to remind you that the “Early Bird” prices are valid until this Sunday 29.03.
There are only a few vacant places left in the classes, so hurry up!

NB! The waiting list for single followers has grown quite long! We suggest that all followers who haven’t received a confirmation of their registration should try to find a leader to register with them (for this the leader must mark you as their partner when registering). If you can’t find a leader to register with you we suggest you change your registration to the Solo Track.
And a call to all leaders! If you don’t have a partner and haven’t registered yet, please do so – followers are waiting for you!

Registration is now closed